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How to Buy

How to Buy

Searching for an item

Simply type the "part number" or the "description" in the "product search box" at the top of the page.

If the item is for sale online it will be displayed. If not, you may still find it listed h the "Category" index. Only a few items of our available stock are listed for sale online, but you can email us for assistance and quotation.

Please send us an email for anything you want to know about, or are looking for, we can give you further information or a quotation on it.


How to buy

  1. You need to pick an item, choose from its options and place in the cart.
  2. You need to enter Country, and Post code.
  3. You need to confirm your order.

Checkout Phase

  1. At check out - you have the opportunity to increase or decrease the quantity of purchase items.
  2. At check out you have the opportunity - to confirm order, or abandon cart or return later.

EC Purchases

If you are in the EC, and have a VAT number, please enter it into the comments box, 



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